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Have your say on Agriculture, Animal Health and Welfare, Plant Health and Forestry regulations

Defra is launching a new Red Tape Challenge, where you can have your say on Agriculture, Animal Health and Welfare, Plant Health and Forestry regulations on July 17.

The Red Tape Challenge was launched in April 2011 to open up Government regulation to the scrutiny and challenge of the public, businesses and experts. Its aims are to remove unnecessary or ineffective procedures and ensure that regulations are implemented as efficiently as possible.Ultimately Defra hope to encourage greater personal responsibility and remove barriers to growth by freeing up businesses from unnecessary or overly complicated red tape by achieving objectives more efficiently.

The challenge is to make sure that the policies and regulations are being implemented in the most efficient and effective ways possible, for example by taking advantage of better delivery through the use of modern practice and technology and removing unnecessary or ineffective process. It is an opportunity to review the underpinning regulations, not just how they are delivered, and to remove or simplify unnecessary or out-dated requiremtns. This will then lead to a more complete package of reforms that can be taken forward in a coordinated way.

This is your opportunity to help to create a clearer and simpler regulatory landscape, while preserving those requirements the regulations rightly impose.

Tell Defra where rules overlap, are too complicated or where they are now redundant. Say where there is scope for making regulation more efficient or how to improve guidance and the implementation of rules on the ground.

The theme is open for comment until September 3, 2013. Comment on the website or send a private contribution to


The topics of regulation covered by the theme are:


 Agricultural holdings 

Agricultural produce 

Agri-environment schemes 

Animal health 

Animal welfare 

Common agricultural policy 





Organic farming 

Plant health 


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